Marriage Preparation Course (MPC)

Prior to having a church wedding, we have to attend the Marriage Preparation Course (MPC) organised by the church. guess, this is was a path which every christian couple requires to go through.

before start of the course, we were ask to do a personality test (PEAKS) which denote as (P) Purpose (E) Energy (A) Affirmation (K) Knowledge (S) Sustainability. i have done countless of personality tests so, i already have an idea on the results. results states my personality driven potential is related to Sustainability. which means i do very well responding to stressful situations in a calm secure & steady way. hur hur! agree to an extend..  aside from the results of each personality test, they also did a combination of the couple to see the compatiblity. and surprise surprise, we are........

Extremely compatible !

for a moment, i thought this was the SOP results for all couples until i peek at the couple results beside me. this is what i call a match from Heaven :)

anyhow, MPC turns out to be different from what i thought. the inital impression i had was more of a counseling session.. i kept teasing HJP that what if i decide not to get married at the end of the course. LOL.

Guess many had thought why bother to go through this course in such a modern world. the older generation also do not see the point of need. esp when there was no such course during their days and marriages still hold till today. though, i'm halfway through the course, it really provide me more insights of the requirements to build a successful marriage. biblical approach aside, i strongly encourage young couples to go thru it esp we are living in this modern society which woman have their own finanical freedom and more vocal. Man on the other side still wants to have a 小鸟伊人 wife which there will result in more conflicts than in our parents generation.

what i have benefit most from the course was being a Helper to the husband. Wife plays a role of helper which many thought that it was one rank down from the husband. but in fact, the helper role is comparable to her husband. which means, the wife complements the missing traits from her husband. with this, it has clear my questions: why i always fedup with HJP? why he and i are so different? would we ever suit each other?

the answer is : God makes each of us different. why should be 2 persons of the same be put together? wouldn't there be more conflicts?


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