i came across this article while reading Cleo this morning.

The Great Escape (3 great reasons to skip town ) - pg 239

1. You'll sleep better
A study in Psychosomatic Medicine has reported that people who take regular trips away from home enjoy better quality sleep. You dun have go far to reap the benefits. Even a wkend trip to a short resort in Bintan can deliever the beauty rest your body needs.

My take: Yes. it really helps in delivering beauty sleep. surprisingly, you will energetic even though sleeping late & waking up early morning (with the fact you hv done of loads of shopping the day before)

2. You'll live longer
Women who holiday twice a year are 8 times less likely to develop heart disease than those who spend their off days @ home, according to a study conducted by the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, US.

My take: Personally, i target to holiday twice a year. this gave me another reason (excuse) to support it. whether, i live longer. thats a question mark.

3. You'll be calmer at work
You'll return to work feeling much less overwhelmed when you see your off-days enjoyment instead of running errands, says a report by The Family & Work Institute in NYC. Of course that won't be the case if you bring your laptop along.

My Take: mmm... perhaps this is one of the reasons why i'm calm at work. hahahaha.. but seriously, i still feel overwhelmed cos i need at least a week to clear my stuff =.=


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