オレオチーズケーキfor hjp & momo
in view of the 2 special occasions for mom & hjp, i decided to make oreo cheesecake.

mixture of oreo & julie's biscuits for the base

hjp's cheesecake (with lots of biscuits)

hjp posing for his cake.
end note:
instead of using a springform pan, i used a round aluminmum mould with aluminmum foil lining inside (with extra 5cm out of the mould). this is to assist in removing the cake from the mould after it sets into the shape. the best part is, you can re-use the mould till its out of shape ;)
result turn out to be not too bad.
i like the colour for momo's 1 cos it looks more appealing than HJP.
i like the colour for momo's 1 cos it looks more appealing than HJP.

mixture of oreo & julie's biscuits for the base

hjp's cheesecake (with lots of biscuits)

hjp posing for his cake.
end note:
instead of using a springform pan, i used a round aluminmum mould with aluminmum foil lining inside (with extra 5cm out of the mould). this is to assist in removing the cake from the mould after it sets into the shape. the best part is, you can re-use the mould till its out of shape ;)
a cheap & easy method.