cny is just less than a wk and yet i had not get anything for myself.
i'm more worried on what should i wear.
the older generation dun like black & white during this festive season.
and i just simply love black & white. haha..
no worries on shoes cos i had every pair for every occasion.
i was so tempted to buy make-up.
but i had to remind myself repeatedly that i dun need it..
all i need is mascara (which i had already own 3) & some eyeliner + eye shawdow (which i also have)..
guess the only thing i need is lip gloss!

spring cleaning not done.
and mama had been nagging me to clear up my stuff.
going to do it during this weekends -.-

recently i was crazy on this little thing.
its super cute.

the poo poo is in pink. かわいね!
can someone tell me where can i get it??

p/s: its time to indudge pineapple tarts!!


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