Last entry of 2007

i was asking hjp what was his greatest achievement in 2007 the other day.

me: is it completing your master?
hjp: no.. is keeping my monster gf.
me: huh? so jiat liat meh?? so do you intend to keep this monster in 2008?
hjp: mmmm... i'll try to do the same on what i had done in 2005 - 07. (meaning he is not going to ditch me in 2008)


review of 2007
1. following the REAL God
2. complete my degree
3. bkk trip twice (siao zar bor)
4. batam trip
5. tried JAL twice
6. co d&d @ melaka (the last ssl d&d)
7. lowest bonus i ever got
8. pay increment (little better than none)
9. sign up for jap lesson (with the help of merv)

well, my greatest achievement was completing my degree with lots of cursing & swearing. and i was glad it was over. i remembered 去年的这个时候, 我在干assignments.

though there were very sucky moments in 07, i also had my fair share of happy ones such as ....... i forgot liao.. hehehe...

was pondering besides the MUST FUFILLED resolutions i had set, what else do i need to do:

1. get back to reading nutrition books.
2. be nicer to hjp (i dun think i could do this, but i'll try)
3. slimmer than 2007 (trying hard)
4. go to bed earlier (so no more panda eyes)
5. read my bible

hehe.. i think out the abv 5 i could only fufilled one of them.

anyway whatever resolutions i set, i believed 2008 will be a better year for zz. and of cos for qq & yy too =)


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