tOday i sUppOSe to gO shOpPinG wiTh dIonnE bUt eND uP gOinG tO K-Ster wIth hEr fReNz.. ActUalLy, U wEeKly hAs a cOupOn fOR 5 fRee hOuRs, so wE go lO.. Not bAd.. JusT tHAt iT iS tOooOOo cOld.. tHoUgh I bRouGht a JackEt aLong, i sTilL aLmosT frEeze to deAth.. ThoUgh tHE wEaTher wAs hOt, tHerE's nO nEeD tO fOr thEm tO on The aIr cOn aT fUlL bLust ma.. ARGH.. WE ARE NOT MAKE OF ICE!! pIty dIoNNe aNd HEr fRenz cOs tHeY dIn bRinG tHeiR jAckEt alOnG.. tHey sAng All kIndS oF sOnGs.. rAnGinG fRom eNGliSh tO oLdiEs.. LOL.. tHat tIMe gO with sIhuI tHey aLl,iT sEems tO bE sO lImiTeD.. MaybE wE Or (I) aRe sTiLl nOt oPEn tO eAch oTheR As mUcH as I oPen Up tO dIOnnE & kAilIng.. CoMpaRinG Kbox,K-sTer & Partyworld, I sTiLl pRefEr kBox aS tHEir rOoms aRe mUch bIggEr aNd seRvIce Are mUch beTtEr ;P
What is the difference between dating and courtship?... Are they similar? I have been cracking my brains over this question for a long time.. But I can be very sure that they are the best times before a relationship starts. A guy can do what the girl wants.. For example, if the girl suddenly crave for a certain food, the guy would go all out to buy it for her. But when the guy won the girl's heart, things will be the other way round. In my case, calling and smsing seems to be my job.. He won't call me unless there's something urgent or he wanted to remind me about something. Smsing? In the past, we at least still SMS each other once in a day, asking how each other is doing or if we had eaten. Now? I give up smsing him.. As time pass, the number of times we SMS to each other drops almost to zero.. Enough of that.. I'm sure one day I'll find the answers.
Juz came back from my shopping. Feel a little "bu gan yuan". Cos didn't buy anything... Actually, I...