lOokS lIkE aLmoSt evEryoNe iS BAcK tO nOrmAl.. lAst wEeK mY bRo sTiLl lIke "mEn mEn bU lE".. tHought hE aNd hannAh bReAk lIao.. hAha.. ParDon mE fOR sAyIng thIS.. cOs i hAvE to kEeP gUesSing wHat's rEalLy gOin' oN.. bEloW thEre's a Msg dEdIcaTe tO yOu (mY bRo)

~+=* MsG fOr KYM *=+~

wHen sOmEthIng hAppEn tO yOu, YoU tEnd tO kEeP qUieT.. yOu wOn't cOnfIde yOur pRobLems to aNyOne.. tHis rEsults uS to gUesS.. tHis iS noT gOod Lo.. cOs WhEn yOu bOtTlEd aLl yoUr fEeLings inSide, yoU'lL tEnD tO fInd tHat No oNe iN tHE wOrLD cAreS aBOut yOu.. In fAcT thErE's a wHolE lOt oF pEopLe tHAt caRes fOr yOu iNcLUdINg mE!!! I maY lOok iGnoRanT to wHat's hAppeNinG bUt dEeP inSidE mY hEarT, i'm fIndIng ReAsoNs On wHy yOu'Ur fEeliNg uNhaPpY... aLl i wANt tO saY thAt, dUn kEeP aLl thE unHapPy thIngs to yOurSelF oKie? inSteAd fInd sOmeoNe tO tAlk to.. yoU'lL fInd yOursElf hApPiEr cOs thEre's sOmeOne lEndIng yOu a LisTenIng eAr ;)


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