i'M frEe.. mY pArEnTs aNd sIblIngs hAd gOnE tO cAmErOn hIgHlAnDs (lEaViNg mE bEhInD).. *sOb sOb* tHoUgH cAmErOn hIgHlAnDs iS nOt rEaLlY a gReAt pLaCe, I wIshEd I cOUld gO tOo.. bUt tOo bAd i haVe sChOoL.. iT hAs bEeN a LoNg tIme tHaT tHe wHoLe fAmILy gOnE fOR a vAcAtiOn.. tHe gOoD thinG oF bEinG leFt @ hOmE iS tHe wHoLe hOuSe bEloNgs tO mE!!! hEhE.. bUt I'm aFrAid sLeEpIng aLonE.. cOs sInce I wAs sMaLl, tHeRe wOuLd bE sOmeoNe aCcOmpaNyIng mE..
mUmMy aLsO sTocKeD uP tHe rEfRigEraTor (aFrAid thAt tHerE's nOthIng fOr mE tO eAt).. mMm.. tImE fOR mE tO dO sOme cOoKiNg lE.. LoNG tIme dIn cOok lE... tHoUgH I wIlL bE aLonE thEsE feW daYs, tHerE wOuLd bE sOmeOne aCcOmpAnyIng mE.. and tHat is mY xxbb... *fEeLiNg bLisSfUl*
I'm aLsO lOoKinG fOrwArd tO thEir rEtuRn aS i hAd aSkEd tHem tO bUy mY faVoUrItE STRAWBERRIES aNd gRaPes fOR mY xXbb..
GotTa eNd hErE cOs tHErE's sTiLl aLot oF tHinGs wAitTiNg fOr mE tO dO.. hOpE thaT thEsE feW daYs the hOusE wOn'T gEt diRty cOS i hAte cLeaNinG uP!!!
mUmMy aLsO sTocKeD uP tHe rEfRigEraTor (aFrAid thAt tHerE's nOthIng fOr mE tO eAt).. mMm.. tImE fOR mE tO dO sOme cOoKiNg lE.. LoNG tIme dIn cOok lE... tHoUgH I wIlL bE aLonE thEsE feW daYs, tHerE wOuLd bE sOmeOne aCcOmpAnyIng mE.. and tHat is mY xxbb... *fEeLiNg bLisSfUl*
I'm aLsO lOoKinG fOrwArd tO thEir rEtuRn aS i hAd aSkEd tHem tO bUy mY faVoUrItE STRAWBERRIES aNd gRaPes fOR mY xXbb..
GotTa eNd hErE cOs tHErE's sTiLl aLot oF tHinGs wAitTiNg fOr mE tO dO.. hOpE thaT thEsE feW daYs the hOusE wOn'T gEt diRty cOS i hAte cLeaNinG uP!!!