nOw dUn hAvE tHe mOoD tO sTudY PP.. cOS tEacHEr gOt gIvE hAndBoOk sO lIkE a Lot oF iT nO nId To sTuDy.. tOdAY cAlcUluS tEst.. sTill NoT bAd.. cAn dO dIfFeReNaTiOn.. sO hAppY... I tHoUgHt I sUrE dIe oN tHaT pArt.. hEhE.. bUt gOt oNe qUeStioN cAn aLmOst gEt fUlL mArKs, tOo bAd cAlcUlAtiOn mIstAkE.. fOrEvEr sO cArEleSs dE... mMm.. cAn'T fOr tHe tEsTs tO bE oVeR.. cOS i wAnT tO gO sInG KTV, sHoPpInG, eAt (sAsHiMi, sEouL gArdEn, pAsTA mAnIa) *dRoOlInG* aNd lOts mOrE.. hAhA.. jAsMinE aLsO sAy wAnT tO sIgN uP fOr aReObiCs.. dUnNo wHy i'M oKaY wItH it.. iF pOsIBle, sIgN uP fOR tHe mEmbErsHip fOr tHe gYm.. hAhA.. I tHinK oNe oF mY wIrEs hAs cOnNeCt wRoNglY le..
What is the difference between dating and courtship?... Are they similar? I have been cracking my brains over this question for a long time.. But I can be very sure that they are the best times before a relationship starts. A guy can do what the girl wants.. For example, if the girl suddenly crave for a certain food, the guy would go all out to buy it for her. But when the guy won the girl's heart, things will be the other way round. In my case, calling and smsing seems to be my job.. He won't call me unless there's something urgent or he wanted to remind me about something. Smsing? In the past, we at least still SMS each other once in a day, asking how each other is doing or if we had eaten. Now? I give up smsing him.. As time pass, the number of times we SMS to each other drops almost to zero.. Enough of that.. I'm sure one day I'll find the answers.
Juz came back from my shopping. Feel a little "bu gan yuan". Cos didn't buy anything... Actually, I...