weeee! we have our honeymoon trip nail down!
after much comtemplating, Lapland emerge as the winner.
it was a close fight between New Zealand & Lapland. i want more nature this time round. both countries have their own share of beauties. but.... it was the Northern Lights & dog sleddiing which finally won me over. cos this will be only once a lifetime. which fits just nicely into wedding. and also to exprience the super cold weather in the North.

after much comtemplating, Lapland emerge as the winner.
it was a close fight between New Zealand & Lapland. i want more nature this time round. both countries have their own share of beauties. but.... it was the Northern Lights & dog sleddiing which finally won me over. cos this will be only once a lifetime. which fits just nicely into wedding. and also to exprience the super cold weather in the North.

* from google
i love Greece Santorini but i believe we would be able to visit some day. just need to save up $ again. ask for advice from Swedish boss, he recommend to stop over at Stockholm & Copehagen as well. he strongly recommend the ice hotel for experience. did ask him would it be far if Prague was to be included cost this is one of the MUST go countries in my list. and he mention is only an hour flight from Copenhagen.. wee! you can't imagine i was grining like a little girl cos i get to go 2 of my fave places in my honeymoon :D
time to do research & look out for promotional fares.. woohooo!!!!