HAEP - module 1 (self awarness) jotting down while its still fresh in my mind... Day 0 (12 Jun) drag myself down to YMCA cos was having mixed feelings. thinking how would the week goes. room mate was a mainland chinese. a very nice lady. i was shocked when a bunch people (her reatives) greeted me when i entered the room. dinner with the other particpants who flew in from other asia pacific countries. broke the ice with chinese colleagues & some some locals (who apparently share the same office as me. but either i din see them before or those you-know-who-i-am & i-know-who-you-are). slept at around 11 plus to prepare for the next day. Day 1 (13 Jun) was introduced to 2 trainers - Scott & Bill. ground rules laid. sharing of indivdual experiences. in fact, those who shared are being questioned. this actually held me back from sharing from the first 2 days. good thing was, while others are being questioned, i'm constantly reflecting on myself. lessons learnt: * victim vs re...
Showing posts from June, 2011
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in my previous posts, i had mentioned that my co has nominated me for an internal course. High Achievers Excellence Program. in short HAEP. nominees across the asia pacific has come together for this course. honestly, i had mixed feelings when i recieved the nomination & even on the day while travelling down to YMCA (the venue). BUT, after the 1st module (3 modules in total. lasting approx 10 months), i really felt the change (indescrible feeling). getting emotional on several occasions had forced myself to give a hard look at my strengths (which i had been refusing to acknowlege) & shortcomings.. feelings which i had been surpressing/ ignoring had came all at 1 time. the coaches are professional (i had attended a short course last year conducted by one of them). the feeling of conquering the heights in the outdoor activity was amazing. its not because i could complete, but the trust in the team & commitment to complete each obstacle. its amazing to see how relationships co...
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this guy is super hardcore in my opinion. he never fails to pass sarcastic/ nasty remarks which makes me wonder if i hadn't try hard enough. things started to took a turn after 2 conference calls with him. everything takes time. he started out by thanking me (once in a while) which i never thought he would. then pharses such as have a nice day. and now with a big smiley icon :D nevertheless, it is them who force me out of my comfort zone. . . to be nasty girl at work
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ooppsss... overslept this morning. was battling should i just rush down or take 1/2 day off. in the end, opt for half day since i still got so many days of leave. tsk tsk. yy jio me to hkg. haiz.. no matter how much i miss this place, i still turned down yy invitation. 不是我不想去,是没有budget 咯. apart from the usual wonton/dessert/dim sum, the most missed food is the 猪长粉包油条。 真后悔那时侯只吃一次。 另一个最miss 的食物是 char siew bun from the bakery near the hotel i stayed. fluffy bread with super nice char siew! the plus point is: it was still piping hot when i bought it. oh! i miss you - HKG.
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[ s ]h o p p i n g have been on shopping spree last few weeks to 发泄工作上的不满. was lucky to have HJP to subsidize part of it. if not, i'll be living on bread & water for the rest of the month. got a pair of wedges & sandals from fareast. both are comfortable. comparable to Jwest. the plus point is total cost is a fraction Jwest price. lurve the colours of the wedges cos there are super retro & the feeling of "i'm wearing flats" :) and yes, i can run in it when rushing for time. the sandals looks a little indian. initial choice was black. but a bead was lost. so settle for 2nd best. anyway, i also do not own any pair in brown. hooked to online shopping after i got a dress from Kristine's . have been trying to revamp my wardrobe by adding more dresses. therefore got the below piece from Faire Belle . this was one of the BO & suppose to come in pink. but the manufacturer used brown instead. on second thoughts, pink might be too sweet for me. hence opt for...
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work went crazy again. backlog is building up day by day! and some ppl just "nua gao sai" 真是不得恨! while at work yesterday, i told eva: 我觉的我好像接生婆 cos emails always come with content - "can you push xxx carrier?" conclusion: not only i'm a high class begger but also a mid wife! today, had interesting conversations with 2 taiwanese carriers today.. below is one of them. (translate in eng) *TC: taiwanese carrier TC: are you born & breed in singapore? me: yes. why do you ask this qn? (i was thinking if he is gg to comment i sound like a mainland chinese) TC: cos the way you talk sounds taiwanese. me: is it ? (being modest. muahahaha). actually the way i talk to mainland chinese/ taiwanese is diff. TC: oh... can u talk in mainland chinese accent? me: dun wan la. my tongue rolling ain't as good as them. if you notice, i tend to have a mixture of chinese & english while talking. this is the unqiue factor of a singaporean. (trying to cover up my imperfect chin...