Ah Mei Star Tour 2008

yep, by looking at the title & tics, i just attented Ah Mei's concert last night with hjp.
the setting of stage.
only managed to get a few snaps & this is considered one of the best.
yep, by looking at the title & tics, i just attented Ah Mei's concert last night with hjp.
and it was a full house concert.
guess this is the best concert [compared to jacky cheung & jeff chang] i ever attended this year.
worth every of my cent.
the setting of stage.
love the seats that i chose, as i could just see her performing right in front of me even though my tics wasn't the most expensive.

only managed to get a few snaps & this is considered one of the best.
cos my cam died on me not long after the concert started =(
the day before the concert, si, yy & i were still discussing what were the 3 songs that we wanted to hear most. and she sang my 3 wanted songs:
- 记的
- 给我感觉
- 牵手
** happy happy **
other songs:
- bad boy
- 蓝天
- 剪爱
- 听海
- 姐妹
- 勇敢
- 人质
- 我要飞
- high high high
- 我无所谓
- 我要快了
- A 级娱乐
- 康定情歌
- 后知侯觉
- 三天三夜
- 我恨我爱你
- 如果你也听说
- 我可以抱你吗
- 薇多利亚的秘密
- 原来你什么都不要
etc.. can't remember all..
she also sang her new jap song which i think 有几分色像浜崎歩み. was surprised that 给我感觉 was one of the songs in the encore. cos she had so many other famous 快歌 and i thought it would not be in her list. the songs that i din quite like much suddenly appeared to be very nice. i loved the part when all of the audience got high and sang for her. it seemed that everyone knew the lyrics of every songs. some how or rather, the concert had brought me back to the good old days =)
end note:
i myself even get high wih the audiences which is very unlike of me. this shows how good the performance is.