
Showing posts from January, 2008
cny is just less than a wk and yet i had not get anything for myself. i'm more worried on what should i wear. the older generation dun like black & white during this festive season. and i just simply love black & white. haha.. no worries on shoes cos i had every pair for every occasion. i was so tempted to buy make-up. but i had to remind myself repeatedly that i dun need it.. haha.. all i need is mascara (which i had already own 3) & some eyeliner + eye shawdow (which i also have).. guess the only thing i need is lip gloss! spring cleaning not done. and mama had been nagging me to clear up my stuff. going to do it during this weekends -.- recently i was crazy on this little thing. its super cute. 小吉 the poo poo is in pink. かわいね! can someone tell me where can i get it?? p/s: its time to indudge pineapple tarts!!
how will you want someone to comfort you when you're down? keep assuring you there are someone out there is worse than you? or just keep quiet. i chose the latter. but it will be better if you try to divert my attention to some other issues or coming up with some jokes which will make me laugh out loud or treating me to some nice food (but i tink i won't even hv the appetite if you offer me 佛跳墙) i hate it when someone trys to assure me that my situatution wasn't that bad. is like rubbing salt into my wound. but i did not say my situation is the worst of all. but at least leave me alone and let me sort out my thoughts...
had my hair perm yesterday. and it look like this: can't believe myself that i actually did it.. hope it will look more natural by cny. the stylist told me that my hair is too healthy to absorb the chemicals. arhhh!!!.. when i rebond my hair, it will easily curl up due to my layers. and now for perm hair, too healthy to absorb the chemicals. i think it will be best to leave it as it is.
no updates for near 2 wks. i dunno wat to say/comment. everyday seems to be the same. perhaps i'm too sensitive or whatever. i wished the issue was not abt me. but the good thing is 8 more days to feb =) cny . bkk trip . most important of all, i smell my freedom coming.
i decided not to mention anything abt those sucky moments i faced at work in this post. so far, i'm happy with 2008. 1. No Signboard & Jacky cheung's concert had my fill on the black pepper crab. yeah yeah! ! ! contented & satisfied. sang 3 canto songs during the opening which left me clueless. though i'm not a die-hard fan of him, it really worth every single cent of my $170. One of the few artistes whom i have no qualms bursting my pocket to watch perform live =) and he doesn't call 歌神 for nothing. his voice is still so clear & sharp during the encore after all the screaming and singing. gonna watch again if he return to SIN again. 2. SQ hannah asked me to accompany her to the SQ and silkair interview. and i'm still considering. cos i'm only interested in jal. hehe.. it will be an exposure for jal though. 3. Jap class jap class commences tml onwards. from now on, my alarm will go off for 7 days. no more beauty sleep. sob.sob.