i dread to move away from my current seat. i was supposed to move yesterday but just feeling too lazy.. some ppl in my co are simply IRRITATING & FUCK UP! i was named as busybody by someone who i dun like... hello.... if you had done your job properly, would i need to go an extra mile to do what is not in my jobscope!! bloody hell... what's the point of having 2 AM in the same dept and the work load of their subordinates keep increasing.. my mood turn soured after that incident. luckily i got a dessert treat from my colleague.. that brightened up my mood a little.. ya.. there's still some kind souls in the co BUT LOTS OF ROTTON EGGS!
guess what is this?

guess what is this?

its frozen green bean soup.
next week, i would be a superwoman cos my dept head will be going to S.Africa for a week & i will be handling all the stuff..
you are my superwoman lalalala...........