i actually intended to leave this blog for good. simply too lazy to do anything about it.

mmm..let me see when's my last post.. 27 dec 2005.. actually not very long since i last update =p

this past 2 weeks, grandma had been staying over @ my place ever since she had discharged from the hospital. i guess only my sis & dad did not seem to be in favour abt it. sis kept having complaints (sometimes i wish that she just stop all her rantings).. while dad just put on his "justice bao" look. i really dun understand why dad had those STUPID THINKINGS. i mean real stupid! he assumes that sons SHOULD look after their parents while daughters are just minor roles.. if so, i hardly see him visting grandpa when he was around. the only time he went was he was near his deathbed. whats the point!! i wish that i would knocked that stupid thinking out of his head!

my grandma had 8 children in total. out of which, 4 are sons. 1 was given away while he was young as the family was too poor. luckily, my grandparents managed to find him back & out this 4, he was the most filial. as for the other 3, i had nothing to comment. it seems that her sons seem to "siam" whenever the topic on who is taking of her.

anyway, only God & grandma knows that who truly cares about her.


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