found my long lost pri sch fren - junwen. still remember that i had a crush on him.. LOL.. always made fun of his height.. cos he was slightly much shorter than me.. now found him on friendster, felt shocked and relieved at the same time as i had been finding him since i sidned up for friendster.. well it muz be fate that brought junwen, kailing and me back together.. hope we would keep in contact and will not ever lost contact again and wait for another 6 years to reunite again ;)
Showing posts from May, 2004
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feeling so sick today.. had a running nose. the mucus does not seem to stop.. throat does not feel good too.. ARGH.. i had stomach cramps in the afternoon.. its not that time of the month. perhaps i ate foods that were sweet, sour, hot and cold at one go..
bb told me not to go help papa but if i did not go, no one would help him.. besides i dun wan mama to go down.. cos dun wan her to overwork.. i guess i will not be able to take "off" on weekends unless there are urgent matters..
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juz fetch mama back from hospital not long ago.. luckily there's nothing serious or else.... yesterday night she said that her mouth and legs felt numb.. then my aunt ask me to call for ambulance.. i was so scared that she would suffer from a stroke.. cos there's no telling signs when the stroke wants to come.. plus mama's health is not that good.. keep crying on the way to the hospital.. but somehow i still can remain calm. she was admitted for one day to do some checkup and discharge today.. now i realise that neither mama nor papa can fall ill as there are the "pillars" of the family. if either one of them fall ill, the family will have problems...
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woke up very early this morning to go jogging.. feeling so tired right now. juz came back from sch not long ago.. mama thought i was going to take supp paper again.. felt so disappointed when she said that. i only need to re-take one subject and she assumed i still have to re-take other subjects. actually i went to school to play badminton. i din play much cos i hate badminton since young.. so i juz sit around there watching my friends or playing bb's GBA. after the game, we headed to century square for a late lunch. i almost starved to death.. ate yong tau foo and felt really full... later i went to sembawang music centre to find Pachelbel CD.. *GLEE* luckily i found it.. or else i would regret that i did not buy when i first saw it.. jas & merv say that its tooo expensive as the CD only contains one track.. but i lurve it VERY much..^_^ bought two skirts from ebase.. i was torn between whether to buy the skirts or one skirt & a blouse. in the end, i chose 2 skirts as now...
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i took calculus supp paper today. A lot people asked me how was it. i juz replied that if i really failed the paper again, i might as well commit suicide. when mama heard about it, her expression changed immediately.. in fact i was only joking. yup i noe you dun like to hear about these kind of things. if it really happen that i failed, i had to accept the fact that i'm a maths idiot. there's nothing else i can do..
went swimming with jas. actually is not swimming, is soaking in the water.. LoL.. it has been years since i last swam.. the water kept entering into my nose when i went underwater not more than a few minutes.. there was an instance that i feel like i'm drowning.. i thought that i gonna die.. i oso made up my mind to book my advanced theory since papa ask me to do so.. anyway there's no harm doing it right. but the test date was on 14 jun and i was not free cos i will be SHOPPING in KL that day.. LOL.. speaking of KL, i'm looking forward to it cos my co...
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besides helping papa today, i went to Swiss Hotel to listen to a talk. It was quite boring for me as i had to sit there for 4 hours++. my butt was really painful.. plus i was going to fall asleep anytime. i'm not really interested in the topics they say. all they were trying to do is to influence you in joining the company by telling you how to make money go into your pocket easily. seriously, they are more suitable to become dicators (juz like Hitler or Mussolini).. its more like trying to brainwash you.. their voices are damn loud.. as if that all of us were deaf..
some of you maybe wondering why i went there since it was so boring for me. i had promised my aunt earlier that i would go there so i had to keep my word.. though i could slip away in the middle of the talk, i was embarrassed to do so. so towards the last topic, i went to the toilet and Robinson to find my bro.
it was indeed a tiring day for me as i woke up at six plus to went jogging with my sis..
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i'Ll bE jOblEss aFter nExt tUe.. dUn aSk mE wHy.. I'm tOoo tiReD tO saY aNyThinG.. WeLl thErE aRe pRoS & cOns.. PrOs ArE: 1)I'lL hAve mORe fReE tIme tO kEeP mY fRiEndS aNd Bb cOmPanY..(I'm sOrt oF nEgLecTinG tHEm) 2)I cAn Do mY oWn tHInGS.. - sLAcKiNG @ hOmE & jOgGinG bY mYsElf.. cOns aRE: 1) nO mOneY.. I STil nEeD tO bUy jEanS etC anD nEeD tO bUy fOr bB tO eAT.. 2)cAnnoT gO kBox. No gReAt s"pOre sAle... pAy hP bIlLs.. sO sHOuLD i gET aNotHEr jOb?????
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tOday i sUppOSe to gO shOpPinG wiTh dIonnE bUt eND uP gOinG tO K-Ster wIth hEr fReNz.. ActUalLy, U wEeKly hAs a cOupOn fOR 5 fRee hOuRs, so wE go lO.. Not bAd.. JusT tHAt iT iS tOooOOo cOld.. tHoUgh I bRouGht a JackEt aLong, i sTilL aLmosT frEeze to deAth.. ThoUgh tHE wEaTher wAs hOt, tHerE's nO nEeD tO fOr thEm tO on The aIr cOn aT fUlL bLust ma.. ARGH.. WE ARE NOT MAKE OF ICE!! pIty dIoNNe aNd HEr fRenz cOs tHeY dIn bRinG tHeiR jAckEt alOnG.. tHey sAng All kIndS oF sOnGs.. rAnGinG fRom eNGliSh tO oLdiEs.. LOL.. tHat tIMe gO with sIhuI tHey aLl,iT sEems tO bE sO lImiTeD.. MaybE wE Or (I) aRe sTiLl nOt oPEn tO eAch oTheR As mUcH as I oPen Up tO dIOnnE & kAilIng.. CoMpaRinG Kbox,K-sTer & Partyworld, I sTiLl pRefEr kBox aS tHEir rOoms aRe mUch bIggEr aNd seRvIce Are mUch beTtEr ;P
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i tHink I feEl a lOt bEttEr nOW.. aLwAys haVe to sEe thE bRiGhtEr sIde oF lIfE oR eLSe iT wOUld bE tOO bORinG aND sAd.. I aDdEd 2 nEw tHings In thE bLog.. 1st- hOw i am fEeLiNg nOw. 2nd - tHis wEek sChedUle. The sChedUle aLloWs yOu tO sEe wHicH dAy i'm bOOked and wHicH day i'm nOt.. thIS maKes yoU to mAke bOoKiNg wIth mE a lOt moRe eaSier.. =P At tHe saMe tIme, iT aLsO hElpS me tO rEmeMbEr whIch aRe tHE dAYS i'm bUsy.. hEhE.. I'm vEry fORgEtfUl.. sO i nEeD a tAke dOwn & neEd pEoplE to rEminD mE cOnstAnTly..
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mY rEsuLts wEre oUt yEsTErdAy.. It cAme tO mE iN a sUddEn mAnNeR.. I dID nOt hAve aNy "xIn lI zUn bEi @ aLl".. WeLl JusT aS I eXpeCtEd, I faIled cAlcUlUs.. YeAh.. I wAs sAd aBouT iT.. sAd bEcaUsE I fElt lIke a fAilURe.. I hAd a HiStoRy of fAiLiNG mAthS sIncE i wAs iN mY pRimAry sChoOl. I tHouGht One dAy I wOulD bE pRo iN thIs sUbjEcT oR aT leAst LIked tHE sUbjEct. WeLL, The dAy nEvEr cAMe Or rAthEr iT wILl nEvEr cOme.. tHe sEcOnd rEasOn wAs I HAd a BRo sTudYiNG A mAThs bEfORe.. @ lEasT i shOuLD GEt A D InsTEad Of F.. I'm rEaLlY "xIn hUi yI lEn lE".. AfTEr sTudYiNg fOr 13 yEars oF mAths, I rEaLised tHat I'm a mAths iDiOt..
I wAs qUiTE sUrprIsed tHat I cOuLd sTilL tAke it qUitE eAsy.. For sOme PeOple, I gUEss tHeY wOuLd cOmMit sUcIde LonG lOnG aGo.. EverYtIME wHen I fAilEd, i WoUld tOld mysElf That tHinGs wIlL bE bEtTer nExT tIMe rOund.. I wAs tHE oNly wAy tO cOnsOle mYsElf.. bUt I fiNd That thIs iS nO lOngEr eFfeCtIvE.. I cAme tO rEaLise I'm nOt gOoD IN...
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Here's my second part of the story...
SeCoNdArY sChOoL dAys
Turning 13 was another stage in my life. I entered Deyi Sec Sch together with KL, KZ and a lot of my other primary schoolmates. I became much more closer to E . We did almost everything together. But these memorable moments did not last long until D came along. I still remember when I was in Sec 3, I had a major fight with E. I refused to apologise to her.Why? I may be a strong-headed and a stubborn girl but partly I dun think it was my fault and she always wanted the other person to apologise first even though it was her fault. Everyone thought it was D's fault as she sided me and she became much closer to me. In fact it was not her fault. I shared much more similar things with D than with E. Eg: the taste of clothes & thinking. So therefore we are much more closer. During the cold war, I grew to dislike her. Dislike the way she behave etc.. It took months for E and I to patch back.
I have my happy and sa...