yEstErdAy wEnt bAcK tO scHoOl tO hEar thE fInal yEar sTudEntS to pReSenT tHeiR FYP pRojeCts.. It is rEalLy a MajOr pRojEct. yOu have tO uSe wHat yOU hAd lEarNt In yEaR 2 & 3. fOr exAmPle, pArEto cHarT, fIsh bOne dIagRam, cRitiCal pAth & lOts mOre... bUt mOst Of tHEm, i hAd rEtURnEd tO tHE LeCtuRers.. aFtEr tHE pReSenTatIon, aN eX-TP LogIsticS sTudEnt cAme And sHaRed uS wIth hEr eXpeRiEncE on wOrkIng aNd sTudYing LocAllY aND OvErSeAs.. She Told US hOW shE cOpe eVErytHing wHen sHE wAs aLone In aUstrAlliA aNd U.S. BesIDes tHat, sHe hAd lEarnT aboUt thE dIfFerEnt cUlTurE oF dIffErenT pALcEs. sHe sAid tHat, If wE wErE eVer gIvEn a cHancE to sTudY or wORk OveRsEas, GRAB IT. cOS oPpOrTunIty oNlY cOMes oNce.. @fTer sHE sHArEd So mUch wIth Us, i sUddEnlY dAwNed On tHaT i nEeD tO GEt a dRivIng licEnSe!!!

aFter thE tAlk, Jas, sIhUi & i wEnt tO oRcHard. @t tHEre wE bOughT nAnCy's BirThdAY pReSent.. fEel so bAd aBout iT.. HEr biRthday hAd bEeN alrEady oVer fOR a MontH++.. bOugHt hEr a 37 dEgrEe pEncIL cAse & tEe aND AlSo aN OP tEe.. Haiz.. tOo BAd We cAn't fInd tHE sAmE desIgN aS tHE wHat wE bOughT fOr cHarLes. i aLso bOugHt a 37 deGree bAg wHich cOst $34.90. iT wAs qUiTe a SiMplE dEsign.. i sOrt Of bOugHt iT in ImpUlse.. LoL.. But I LoNg tImE dIn bUy tHingS lE... i aLso fEel lIke gOinG to rObInSon sALe aT eXpo.. <- aNyoNe wANt tO gO wIf mE??

Jas anD i wenT tO wAtch eNtEr thE pHoNeiX @ Lido. tHE tHeaRter tHat sCreEned tHe movie wAs sOOooOOooOOo sMall.. tHeRE's oNly lEfT siDe AnD rIGht siDe.. tHErE's nO cEntRe!!.. bUt Its sTilL nOt tOoOo baD cOs nObOdy bLocK mY vIEw =) dIaNeL wU aNd sTepHen fUng aRe sO sHuaI!!!!!!! sTepHen Fung HAs a Pair of "kIllEr" eYes tHat mAke hIm soOOoooOOoo cOoL. EasOn cHaN iS aLso nOt BAd.. He iS soOooOOo fUnNy.. tHerE aRe aLso a nUmBer oF of "ka le fair" in thE shOW. eG: sAmmI cHEng, NicHolAs tSe, jAckIe cHaN eTc... oVerAll I woulD sAy tHat tHe shOw Was nOt bAd.. A gOod cOmedY. sUItaBlE fOR tHosE wHo fEeL sTrEssEd oUt.. you cAn HAve a gOod hEaRty LaUgh oUt of it. I wOuld giVE 3.5 sTars oUt oF 5. buT tO thOSe thInk tHaT wAtcHing cHiNeSe mOvIEs is A wAste oF moNey, Dun gO & wAtCh cOs yOu wIll fInd It lAmE..


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