mY lIfE
I have a sudden urge to blog again. jUst nOw while I was my way home, memories of my childhood, primary and secondary days life flooded into my mind. I would like to say I'm much more luckier than a lot of people. Mmm.. Its time for me to reflect what I had done in this 18 years of life.
cHiLdhOoD mEmOriEs
I was pampered by a lot of people. Every year my mom would celebrate my birthday without fail.. Though I do not remember clearly but I still have photos that I celebrated my 1 year old birthday. My cousins and grandparents were there too. During the first few years after I was born, my grandma looked after me. From what I heard from my mum, my grandma had a hard time looking after me. I was not those kind of playful type. I only drink milk while I was sleeping. Whenever the grandma tried to feed me when I was wide awake, I would cry like hell and she had to coax me to sleep before she could feed me. Luckily my grandma din suffer much under my hands cos one of m...
Showing posts from April, 2004
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yEstErdAy wEnt bAcK tO scHoOl tO hEar thE fInal yEar sTudEntS to pReSenT tHeiR FYP pRojeCts.. It is rEalLy a MajOr pRojEct. yOu have tO uSe wHat yOU hAd lEarNt In yEaR 2 & 3. fOr exAmPle, pArEto cHarT, fIsh bOne dIagRam, cRitiCal pAth & lOts mOre... bUt mOst Of tHEm, i hAd rEtURnEd tO tHE LeCtuRers.. aFtEr tHE pReSenTatIon, aN eX-TP LogIsticS sTudEnt cAme And sHaRed uS wIth hEr eXpeRiEncE on wOrkIng aNd sTudYing LocAllY aND OvErSeAs.. She Told US hOW shE cOpe eVErytHing wHen sHE wAs aLone In aUstrAlliA aNd U.S. BesIDes tHat, sHe hAd lEarnT aboUt thE dIfFerEnt cUlTurE oF dIffErenT pALcEs. sHe sAid tHat, If wE wErE eVer gIvEn a cHancE to sTudY or wORk OveRsEas, GRAB IT. cOS oPpOrTunIty oNlY cOMes oNce.. @fTer sHE sHArEd So mUch wIth Us, i sUddEnlY dAwNed On tHaT i nEeD tO GEt a dRivIng licEnSe!!!
aFter thE tAlk, Jas, sIhUi & i wEnt tO oRcHard. @t tHEre wE bOughT nAnCy's BirThdAY pReSent.. fEel so bAd aBout iT.. HEr biRthday hAd bEeN alrEady oVer fOR a MontH++.. bOugH...
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hAd bEeN sLacKinG fOr tHE paSt tWo dAYs.. In f@cT i HaD aLot oF tHiNgs To dO..BuT iS "lI Bu cHonG xIn" i hAd alReAdy pLanNed wHat tO dO dUrIng this HolS.. i WanT tO gO KbOX!!! sHoPpIng sPrEE!!! lOl.. LaSt wEeK Jas mEnTiONed ABoUt gOinG to sEnTosA.. I wAs lIke hAh... bUt I dIn sAy iT oUt.. sHe tOld Me tHAT sHE wOuLd To mAke sURe i wOUld gO.. aCtUalLy, i dUn mInd gOinG.. bUt i aLwAys haVe tHE iMprEsSiOn tHAt sEntOsa iS a PlaCe fOr tHOSe sPortY pEoPle.. And i"m tHE kInD wHo LIKe tO sTay aT hOme or gO sHoPpINg sPrEe... sO i tHinK i dO not sUIt That pLaCe.
bUt nOw i hAd tO put aLl mY PlAns On hOld cOs mY sTudEnt's eXams aRe rOunD tHE cOrnEr aNd I thInK sHe wOuLd bE HAvIng mOrE lEsSonS.. sO i gUesS i Had To sTay aT hOme fOr tWo wEeKs bEfOre i cOulD bE fRee.. bB sAy hE wIll aCcPmPanY mE tO jOg nExT wEeK.. cOme tO tHink of It, i dUnNo iF i cOulD rUn cOntInouSly fOR aBout 200-300 meTreS bEfOre i bEcAme bReAThelEss.. It hAd bEeN tWo YEars sInce I laSt jOggeD.. iN tHE pAst, ...
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I'm feeling damn down.. Today's Calculus was damn tricky.. I know what to use but dunno where to start.. When I came out from the examination room, all my friends were discussing answers.. I was hopping that a hOle would just open and swallow me up.. It really dread me hearing them comparing answers.. There's one thing I know for sure is that I'm really going to take supplementary paper. Nancy console me that I would definatly pass. bUt I know myself. If i said that I'm going to fail, most probably it would. If it did not turn out to be true, maybe God is helping me.. I remember once I said that, I had nOt "fallen down" real hard.. tHis time round, it going to happen. Though to some people it mightthink it is alright to take supp, if I am given a choice to take supp for PP and calculus, I would definatly go for PP.. I'm really not good in maths.. I hate calculations. Though many people said that Practice makes PERFECT , I dun believe it. Cos i had alre...
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tOmOrrOw iS thE sEcOnd pApEr.. CaLcUluS. fEeLIng sOooOOoOOOo sLacK nOw.. I hAd sTudIEd uP tIlL tO diFfEreNtIatIon.. thOsE qOutienT rUle, pRodUcT rUle eTc.. sIaNz.. i HATE LoGaRitHmIc fUncTioNs.. sOoOoo diFfIcUlt tO dIfFereNaTe oR iNteGrAte tHEm... i GoT a "yU gAn" tHaT toMorRoW'S PapEr wOuLd nOt bE sOooOOoo hArd.. mMm.. aNywAy.. i GoTtA gO and sTudY lE.. uPdATe l@ter...
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eVerYoNe aRoUnd mE sEeMs nOt tO bE lOoKIng so fIne.. bRo bRokE oFf wItH hAnNah. kAizHonG aLwAyS sAid tHaT hE is sAd bUt dId nOt wAnt tO tElL uS wHat hAppEn. kAiLinG sEeMs tO hAvE sOmE pRobLems wItH aNdY (i'M nOt vEry sUrE, jUz gUeSsInG bUt i hOpe tHat i'm wRonG)..
It sEemS tO bE i'm tHe mOst lUcKy oNe amOng tHeM.. mMm.. aLl oF tHeM aRe tRoUblEd bY tHe WoRd - LOVE . wElL i mUsT sAy tHat , sIncE yOu cHoSe tHaT pAth, YoU hAve tO cOntInUe to wAlk dOwn.. tHeRe mAy bE sOme dIsapPoIntmEnts aLong tHE waY, bUt i'm sUrE tHerE wIll bE hAppIneSs wHeN yOu cOntInUe tO wAlK doWn.. dUn gIve uP.. yOu'Ll nEvEr KnoW whAt wOuld bE tHe EndIng iF yOu gIve uP hAlfwAy aNd iT is deFinAteLy nOt wOrTh it.. bEloW tHeRe'S mSg fOr yOu
*=+~ mSg fOr kaiLinG *=+~ ====
lOvE cAn'T bE mEasUrEd.. yOu maY tHinK tHAt yOu "puT iN" moRe tHan hIm iN tHis rElaTiOnsHip.. buT tHeRe'S No wAy yOu wIlL kNoW wHo "Put iN" mOre. I wAs oNce lIke yOu tOo.. I aLwaYs fEeL tHat ...
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tOdAy is bB's biRthdAy. aCtuaLly wAntEd tO gIve hIm a sUrPriSe bUt iT tUrNeD oUt tHat hE gAve mE a SurprIse.. hE cAllEd mE WhEn i wAS sTiLl sLeEpiNg.. hE tOld mE tHat hIs cOm sPolIt aNd hAd tO gO dOwn tO sIm LiM.. hAiz.. At fIRsT tHouGht I cAn gAvE hIm a surPrIse bUt eNd uP i tElL hIm wHat thE suRpRisE wAs aLl aBouT.. bUt hE nEvEr KnOW tHaT i"m gOinG tO tReAT hIm hIs fAvE PepPeRoNi pIzZa.. HaHa.. "mEi lIaO dAo bA".. fOr tHesE fEw wEeKs I kEeP tRyinG to sAve cOs i kNow hIS bIrThdAY wIlL cOsT mE a BoMB.. i sTiLl oWe hIm a BiRthdAy pReSent.. wE aLsO tAKe a pHotO-cArd bUt iT tUrn oUt nOt rEaLly niCe.. mMm.. dUnNo wHY I lOok sOoOoOo uGlY wHeN i tAke pHotOs wItH gUys.. Only lOoK gOod wHeN i tAke wIth mY gAl fReNz..
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mMm.. tOdAy i cAN't fIniSh mY cOMm sKilLs tEsT.. nO tImE >. aRgH....... I kNoW hOE tO dO dE... bUt dUnnO wHy lEfT oUt tHat pArt... hAiz.. "kOk" eYE!!!
sUndAy 11 Apr 1:50pm
i"m bAck aGain.. yEstErdAy toO tIreD to uPdATe aNytHinG.. aFter tHE cAlcUluS rEmEdIAl, I wEnT tO bUgIS wIth JAsMinE. wE wEnt OG, PARcO bUgiS And tHE kUaN yIn tEmpLE to PrAY fOR mY cOmiNg eXaMs.. i ThOt i cAn bUy tHE mPhosiS baG but bUgIs dEre nO sTOcK lE.. sOb SoB.. aFtEr tHat , We gO mArIna sQuARe aNd sUntEc.. @ mArIna sQuaRe, I BOuGht mY fOrMal wEar.. a Pair Of PanTs anD sHIrt fRom G2000.. HahA.. I lIke tHE pAnTs sOOooooooOo mUcH... eSpEcIalLy tHE bElT.. AftEr tHE sHoPpiNg wEnt tO hElp pApa lo.. tHeN KaizHonG aND kAilINg cAME aND fInD tO eAt dInnEr... LucKIly PApa gRanT mE pErmISsIon tO gO hOmE eArLy.. Or eLSe i tHinK i wIll dIE tHeRe. hAhA.. Now pImPleS PoPing oUt thReE aT a Go.. WOw... i jUz dIn wAsh fOR mY fAce fOR aRounD 12 hoUrS.. And iT lIke tHAt pUniSh mE... >.
sUmmArY oF...
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i fEeL sOoOooOo saD todAy... I'm hAd fLuNg mY cAlcUluS tEst.. mOst of tHe aNsWerS cAn bE fOunD in tHe teXtbOoK bUt dUnNo wHY I dIn nOtiCe iT.. wHy aM I aLwAyS sOOOOooOOO bLur aNd SLOW??????? I stILl sAid tHat If I fAil tHis tEst, I woUld bE lEt mYsElf aNd mY bRothEr doWn.. sOb.. sOb... sOb.. lOoKs lIke I hAd lEt hIm doWn... Is bEiNg bLur aNd sLoW a BleSsInG???
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lOokS lIkE aLmoSt evEryoNe iS BAcK tO nOrmAl.. lAst wEeK mY bRo sTiLl lIke "mEn mEn bU lE".. tHought hE aNd hannAh bReAk lIao.. hAha.. ParDon mE fOR sAyIng thIS.. cOs i hAvE to kEeP gUesSing wHat's rEalLy gOin' oN.. bEloW thEre's a Msg dEdIcaTe tO yOu (mY bRo)
~+=* MsG fOr KYM *=+~
wHen sOmEthIng hAppEn tO yOu, YoU tEnd tO kEeP qUieT.. yOu wOn't cOnfIde yOur pRobLems to aNyOne.. tHis rEsults uS to gUesS.. tHis iS noT gOod Lo.. cOs WhEn yOu bOtTlEd aLl yoUr fEeLings inSide, yoU'lL tEnD tO fInd tHat No oNe iN tHE wOrLD cAreS aBOut yOu.. In fAcT thErE's a wHolE lOt oF pEopLe tHAt caRes fOr yOu iNcLUdINg mE!!! I maY lOok iGnoRanT to wHat's hAppeNinG bUt dEeP inSidE mY hEarT, i'm fIndIng ReAsoNs On wHy yOu'Ur fEeliNg uNhaPpY... aLl i wANt tO saY thAt, dUn kEeP aLl thE unHapPy thIngs to yOurSelF oKie? inSteAd fInd sOmeoNe tO tAlk to.. yoU'lL fInd yOursElf hApPiEr cOs thEre's sOmeOne lEndIng yOu a...
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i'M bAck aGaIn.. fEeLiNg mOoDy tHeSe feW dAyS.. dUnNo wHy.. bUt i GueSs itS rElaTed tO "dA yI mA".. wHen sHe cOmeS eVerY mOntH, sHe aLwAys mE bRinG gIftS wIthOut fAiL!.. *oMg* -> tO gUys tHeY maY nOt undErsTand iT bUt i tInk gAls sHouLd nOe wAt i mEaN ;P
aLl mY pReSenTatIoNs aRe fInaLly oVeR... eXCcEpT fOr cOmM sKiLls. sTilL hAve rOlePlay.. hAvE tO wEaR fOrmAl sIa.. bEfOrE tHat sTiL hAd tO wRitE aGenDa... dUnNo wAt rOle wOuLd i bE gEtTiNg?.. aMerIcaN? sIngApoReaN? FiLipInOs? cHinEsE? iNdIaN? cHaiRmAn? sEcErtAry? aNywAy I dUn cArE wHaT rOle I'm gOinG tO gEt.. As lOnG aS i cAn PlaY iT wElL..
jUz nOw aCcOmpAnY xXbb tO S11 tO eAt.. nOw hE ThEn kNeW i lIke vInEgAr.. iN fAcT wHenEveR i eAt sHArk fIn, I'Ll pUt lOts oF vInEgAr.. dUnNo iS eAt sHaRk fIn oR dRinK vInEgaR... hAiz.. fEeL sO dIsaPpOinTed.. I tHouGht hE kNeW iT aLl aLonG... dUnNo wHetHer iS I hAd eAteN tOo mUcH vIneGar oR wAT.. gEt jeAlous sOoOo eAsIly.. =( thesE fEw dAys hE kEeP mEntIonInG Li nA aLo...