cHinese nEw yEaR is juz round the corner.. *gLeE* sO hAppy... wEnt shopping with esther yesterday.. mY legs nearly broke.. We walked the whole stretch of Orchard Road.. "Shou huo" still not bad.. Two tops and a bottom(skirt).. But I still not really satisfied... hAhA... I saw two Polker dot tees.. I LIKE it soooooooooo much, some more still in pink colour >.<.. but no money to buy le.. So cute.. I wear le sure look cuter.. hEhE....
rEcently, dunno why popped out four pimples.. *sOb* >.< bUt only two look more obvious.. bUt... I can't tahan them... Now dunno can eat my fave pineapple tarts >.<..


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