
Showing posts from January, 2004
tOday feEliNg abit sick.. hAvIng a sOre ThRoaT aNd mY nOse iS bLocKeD.. tMoRrOw sTiLl wAn tO gO KTV.. hAhA.. Long TimE dIn gO le.. bUt nOw mE lIke nO vOicE le.. HoW tO sIng?????..... dUnNo wHy cHarLes tOdaY saY wAn tO dIscLosE oUr rElAtiOnsHip... *pUzZleD* iTs nOt LikE hIm.. If hE sAid ThAt iN tHe p@st, I wOuLd bE vErY haPpY.. bUt nOw? I aLrEaDy uSeD tO hIdiNg fRoM it mY fRieNds lE... tHoUgH sOmtImEs I gOt tHe uRgE tO tElL tHem bUt In tHe EnD, I dIn sAy aNyThinG.. bUt iF wE dIsCloSed It, eVeRyThiNg woUld Be dIffEreNt.. Jas wIlL dRifTeD aWaY fRoM uS.. bUt iF wE dIn dIscLoSeD, I hAvE tO cUm out WiTh loTs oF lIes.. i'M sO aFrAid tHat oNe dAy I wOuLd bLUrT oUt eVeryTHIng uNknOwInGlY..
tOday is the fifth dAy of the lUnar nEw yEar.. sO fAst... tEn mOre dAys, it wOulD bE oVer lE.. nO mOre aNg bAos le.. sTill haVen'T cOunT my aNg bAo mOney yEt.. *tOo lAzY tO dO iT* dUnnO got 200 bucks Or nOt.. wEnt tO waTch tHe lAst sAmUraI wIf cHaRleS.. sO nIce aNd tOucHiNg... I cRied tWo tImeS.. tHe tHeAter wAs qUite cOld.. luCkiLy bRouGht mY jAcKet aLong.. bUt dIn uSE cOs gOt cHarlEs "wEn rUaN bAI" JaCket.. hEhE.. *sO wArm, cOmfOrtAblE aNd sWeEt* lOl.. In tHe pAst, I aLways tHinK tHat sAmuRaIs aRe stUpId.. bUt Now, I rEally aDmIRe tHeM fOr tHeiR cOuRagE... tHey rAtheR dIe wHen tHey Did nOt cOmPletE tHeiR mIssIon oR TaSk.. tO tHEm, iTS aN HonOur.. "zHeN dE hAo pEi fU tA mEn wOr"... vAlEntIne'S dAy cOminG le.. dUnNo wAn to Buy aNytHing fOr hIm or not.. If I bUy, I oSo dUnNo wAT tO bUy.. aNy sUggEsTioNs???? tHerE's aLso a cLass gAthEring On tHat dAy.. mMm.. kAiling tOld mE nOt tO gO cOS tAt dAy cHaRleS dErE oSo gOt gAthErIng.. sHe aLso sCold mE tAt...
xIn nIaN gUaI lE!!! tOday is the fIrst day of lUnar nEw yEaR.. cAme back from Chinatown not long ago.. wOw.. there were alot of people... tHis year is much more special than the previous years cos this year, tHere's celebration in Chinatown and some of the roads are closed.. ThEre's also fire crackers and fireworks... tHE fiReworks was really really bEauTiFul.....
hOOrAy!!! tOday is finally the eve of the cHinEse nEw yEar.. mY pimPle is now much better =) , except there's a bit redness.. tOnight I'm gOiNg tO mY cOusin's hOusE fOr rEunIon dinnEr.. =D YaO mIng will alsO bringing his Hannah along... hMph... sPeaking of his Hannah, reminds me of my pineapple tarts... *sOb* hE gave mY pIneapple tArts to her... it is so obvious that the pInEaPplE tArts aRe meant for the family... aNd he gIve it her... sTuPiD!!!
mY bloodly pimple still dun wan to go away.. >. Two more days to cHinese nEw yEar.. dUnno why this year feel so excited.. hehe.. maybe, this year more special than previous years... cOs this year reunion dinner is going to be @ my cousin's house.. *gLeE* mOre people, mOre "re nao" hEhE... *lOoKiNg 4wArD tO iT*
cHinese nEw yEaR is juz round the corner.. *gLeE* sO hAppy... wEnt shopping with esther yesterday.. mY legs nearly broke.. We walked the whole stretch of Orchard Road.. "Shou huo" still not bad.. Two tops and a bottom(skirt).. But I still not really satisfied... hAhA... I saw two Polker dot tees.. I LIKE it soooooooooo much, some more still in pink colour >. .. but no money to buy le.. So cute.. I wear le sure look cuter.. hEhE.... rEcently, dunno why popped out four pimples.. *sOb* >. bUt only two look more obvious.. bUt... I can't tahan them... Now dunno can eat my fave pineapple tarts >. ..
*sOb*... All my friends are taking the NAPFA test... I dun haf the confidence that I can pass... So if I'm taking now, I'm juz wasting my energy on it.. I might as well use this energy for my shopping... Till now, I still dunno that whether it is compulsory to take... *sOb sOb*
hEe hEe.. Finally can put background music le... Soooooooooo happy.. lalalala......
yEsterday I taught my first lesson... Mmm.. not bad.. Its a girl.. Intially I only had to teach her on two days. But her mum requested to ask me to teach her one more day and one more subject, which means 3 days per week.. Now it is even harder to squeeze out time for leisure... mMmm... The only thing I feel guilty about is, I can't buy food for charles as frequently as last time... But I think he understand lo... Got to end here le cos have to go out le...
tHe first week of school is coming to an end le... Life in school is no longer the same as last semester... I find that it is getting more stressful... Though I only have three core subjects & one CDS, I still have communication skills which is project based.. Speaking of Comm Skills, reminds me of the tutor.. She's like a clone from Mrs Ang... Looks sooooo alike.. Except for her eyes.. Not as big & " laser like " as Mrs Ang.. The first impression that she gave me was, *shit* cannot sleep in class liao.. But overall, she still not bad.. Taking two Maths seems to be the hardest thing to do in the world... Feel kind of stressed... Have to cope with school and tuition (by the way I'm teaching a primary three student)... Now my life seems to consists of work and school.. During the weekweds, I also have to help papa... I know you will be thinking that I should give up helping my papa but I can't do it. Cos mama is not free and still have to look after my play...
A new year has come... Have to make new year resoultions... But I'm those type who never keep their resolutions.. When you make, you tend to break.. So what is the purpose for making new year resoultions =P.. As long as you're happy and live to it fullest, who gives a damn about those silly resoultions.. Gone shopping with my cousins on the first day of the new year.. Actually went to Rafflescity to see how Yao Ming was doing... Saw his hannah.. Indeed she looks much more older than him.. GST increased by 1% again.. hAiz... Last year increased, this year also increased.. Economy so bad, still want to increase.. But also no choice.. Increased le, still have to buy things... Yesterday "shou huo" still not bad.. Bought a bag from Bugis street (@ last, I got new bag for school re-open.. LoL..), a sequin tee from ebase (*glee* dere having 60% discount storwide) and also not forgetting my tUrN leFt tuRn rIgHt vcd (Takeshi rUleZz).. *gRinNing fRm eAr tO eaR* aFter shoopi...