Marriage Preparation Course (MPC)

Prior to having a church wedding, we have to attend the Marriage Preparation Course (MPC) organised by the church. guess, this is was a path which every christian couple requires to go through. before start of the course, we were ask to do a personality test (PEAKS) which denote as (P) Purpose (E) Energy (A) Affirmation (K ) Knowledge (S) Sustainability. i have done countless of personality tests so, i already have an idea on the results. results states my personality driven potential is related to Sustainability. which means i do very well responding to stressful situations in a calm secure & steady way. hur hur! agree to an extend.. aside from the results of each personality test, they also did a combination of the couple to see the compatiblity. and surprise surprise, we are........ Extremely compatible ! for a moment, i thought this was the SOP results for all couples until i peek at the couple results beside me. this is what i call a mat...