Feb updates it has been a long long time since the last update. since today is the last day of feb, i might as well did the updates once & for all. this explains why i named this post as Feb updates. mmm.. lets start with the brightest moon in feb or rather in the last 50 plus years which was on the 15th day of the lunar calender which is also the chinese valentine day. that day, the sun was also blazing hot & especially shining brightly. i could see the rays round the yolk. too bad can't took a pic cos i was on the bus back home. however, i took a few pics on the moon. took it from my kitchen window. the 2nd pic was the zoom-in version. i guess i'm fortunate enough to witness a few important or special events in my life.eg: the crossing to 2000, the brightest moon etc.. no celebration on the chinese valentine day. but yy & the gang decide to hv a steamboat session at min's place on the 14th Feb. too bad merv was too busy to make it. also recieved a pressie fro...