last entry of 2008. somehow or rather, we are obliged to look back what we had accomplished for the past 1 year. in the past, i hate setting new year resolutions cos i never fufill them or rather i never make an effort to do so. but as the years passed by, i felt that i'm accountable to myself. at least i do not want to just pass another year. in fact, i felt that 2008 had passed way too fast. looking back, i'm pretty satisfied with my accomplishments this year. . i managed to: - complete my jap course (& i had registered for the next level) - secure a new job with more than 20% increment - go to HKG as my burfday trip & BKK for a retreat. - still together with hjp but still, 2008 is a significant year cos my beloved grandma had passed on. initally i started to blame Him & stop going to church completely. i hated the fact that she had to go. but nevertheless, after a few months i started to come to terms. i'm glad that He had given me eu nough time to ask grandm...
Showing posts from December, 2008
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Blessed & merry christmas to all of you in advance. ytd was the 4th year i'm with hjp. did not plan anything special for this day. cos you know la.. now recession. must save whatever we had.. though yy said that it did not impacted on me much. made a trip down to JB for xmas shopping & KTV. as usual hawker food for dinner - 2 thumbs up for the mutton satay /kambing soup/ fish soup & my fav fried kway teow . the KTV was alot cheaper than sin due to the exchange the rate. bought 2 pressies, a pair fo pants, skirt & 2 pair of shoes for myself. the only thing that made me curse & swear was their new customs. made me walk so much 冤枉路. make a trip there & you will know what i meant. before the new customs was up, i kept cursing & swearing. with the new one up, the cursing & swearing still goes on. and now i still prefer the old one. haha.. ain't i hard to please =P
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LG KF350 when i was in my poly days, i really heart samsung s200 to bits. Samsung S200 i saved almost every cent & i finally got it which yy commented that i almost went bankrupt just because of this phone. but it broke down soon after i started working but it had served me well. sob sob. . . i couldn't find a phone just like s200 which 让我对它一见钟情 until i saw LG KF350 in M1 one day. the 1st impression i had was, it looks just like the phones in the jdramas. i was totally captivated! LG KF350 however, in terms of specs, it was not the kind of phone i'm looking for. should i get it or just let it be? p/s: changed the background music to DAI - Yesterday & Today cos it reminds me of the good old days.
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My Boss My Hero [MBMH] finished another drama. - My Boss My Hero. bro bought this dvd when it was on sale. xx also urged me to watch as the critics he heard from his friend was quite good. unlike the other dramas, the 1st episode did not catch much of my interest initally. the only parts i found it good are when tomoya nagase [長瀬智也] can't even count simple mathematics when he was sent to negotiate a deal & fighting for the Agnes pudding. the cast. the famous St Anges pudding which was on sale 12 cups per day at 12pm by just looking at the pic, i could tell the pudding was as smooth as a beancurd. the synopsis: Sakaki "Tornado" Makio (Nagase Tomoya) is a tough 27-year-old high school drop-out. By academic standards, he's pretty dumb. His father decides to force Makio to return to high school to receive his diploma and he asks an old friend who happens to be the principal (Iwaki Koichi) of a nearby school to admit Makio. If Makio doesn't graduate, the position o...
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random updates. i was busy with my JLPT 4 preparation for the past 2 wks. it was much more difficult than i expect esp the grammer part which my vocab is damn lousy cos i'm lazy to memorise. and its over last wk.. phew... mmmm... in fact, i did not pin much hopes to pass though. 50/50. made careless mistakes on the kanji part. and listening i did not pay much attn to it. grammar was the last part which rebuild my confidence. hopefully, i can pass. if i failed, will be very 丢脸。 somehow or rather, during the exam, there's a little voice within asking me to give up learning jap. and i almost did. but when i recalled how jap interest me since my sec sch days & it was just like another food & nutrition subject which i love & hate studying at the same time, i decided to pursue to the highest level no matter what. *sound abit 不自量力* dun even know if i had the capacity to do it. recieved 1 piece of good news ytd - i pass my JCS exam =) and i managed to meet my expectations (...