birthday. JB 终于盼到一个PH 了。 而且还是个long weekend 呢! 庆祝了merv 和 yiling 的生日. had a simple dinner @ astons specialties - a similar concept as botak jones but this taste better. after which, went over to min's place for a cake cutting & movie session. watched Flash point (导火线). the scenes were brutal but we could still laughing our ass(es) off (esp me).. celebration ended at 11pm as most of us wanted to catch the last bus home. went to JB the next day. in fact, it was a last min decision. as usual, had my fill on the curry fish head *slurp slurp* the pic dun look appetising, but i guarantee it taste superb! dinner at 路边摊 which is one of my fave. good food @ cheap prices. got majolica majorca mascara base(lengthening) from their watsons. i almost want to jump up with joy when i saw its counter. heard from the promoter that SIN is also starting to bring in this brand. mmm... got to check out one of these days. and now i the base & mascara for lengthing! long lashes here i come!! as...
Showing posts from October, 2008
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yoohooo! i finally finished watching 溏心风暴 aka txfb [heart of greed]. 40 episodes! it has been some time that i watch such a long drama [not considering those aired on tv] well, i wouldn't say that its my fave drama. but at least, it did keep me going episode after episode. the cast were great. i'm in lurve with bosco & raymond.. awwwe!!! some areas were a little draggy but at the same i couldn't bring myself to fast forward. [i only do this to korean dramas.. cos they're way too draggy]. in fact, i did not teared much on those touching or heart-breaking scenes. but the scene which raymond lam died during an accident had my tears rolled down uncontrollably. overall, i would say the drama was quite educational though. it took great pains to bring a family together, but a rotten egg with a rotten mouth to break everything (thats why we are born with two ears and one mouth). okay, that's all for the drama. and now some updates of my life.. as if my life is very inte...
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Ah Mei Star Tour 2008 yep, by looking at the title & tics, i just attented Ah Mei's concert last night with hjp. and it was a full house concert. guess this is the best concert [compared to jacky cheung & jeff chang] i ever attended this year. worth every of my cent. her powerful vocal had proved that she is indeed a 天后! the setting of stage. love the seats that i chose, as i could just see her performing right in front of me even though my tics wasn't the most expensive. concert is abt to start. only managed to get a few snaps & this is considered one of the best. cos my cam died on me not long after the concert started =( the day before the concert, si, yy & i were still discussing what were the 3 songs that we wanted to hear most. and she sang my 3 wanted songs: - 记的 - 给我感觉 - 牵手 ** happy happy ** other songs: - bad boy - 蓝天 - 剪爱 - 听海 - 姐妹 - 勇敢 - 人质 - 我要飞 - high high high - 我无所谓 - 我要快了 - A 级娱乐 - 康定情歌 - 后知侯觉 - 三天三夜 - 我恨我爱你 - 如果你也听说 - 我可以抱你吗 - 薇多利亚的秘密 - 原来你什么都不要...