
Showing posts from June, 2010
Jun has been a buzz buzz mth. and it will continue to buzz till july. additional task has been entrusted & i welcomed it. cos cv can be expanded again ;) recieved income tax finally, claiming me more than the GST rebate. kns. no shopping till next pay day. kns. kns. kns.
"have ever consider to train yourself for a marathon?" was being asked by dionne during our catchup session last fri. the thought of training for a marathon never came into my mind. anyway, i'm not those hard-core exercise freak. after all, i only do it for 1 reason - tone & shape up. a yr of jogging had yet to cultivate the love for exercise in me. i'll only feel guilty if i skip it (at least, it still motivates me a little from time to time). YY's philosophy is 运动是为了吃更多食物 (agreed to a certain extend). my philosophy is 运动是为了让我尽情享受美食的当而中,但不会产生罪恶感。also came out with another excuse which is i can easily catch my bus whenever i saw it arrives from far.