i'm back from hkg! it was much more tiring than bkk =( and also burst my budget.. boo hoo.. managed to re-stock my SK II. from facial treatment essence to the mask. 真的是大破财! but still happy happy.. cos it will last me for a long long time =) of course also got a pair of mickey & minnie from the disneyland. [i know its abit dumb. but i wished to owe 1 since young] anyway, will back for more updates once i organised my peektures =)
Showing posts from August, 2008
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i realised i hv a list of outstanding stuff to post.. so to cut the long story short.. here is it . . . 1] のだめ カンタビ-レ aka nodame cantabile aka 交响情人 just finish watching this series of drama. i was abit hesitant as i was contemplating if it worth spending my time to watch plus i did not know much abt the main leads. it came together with 花ざかりの君たちへ. well, after watching the 1st episode, the craving for drama was back. i couldn't stop watching... the female lead [nodame] was damn 可愛い.. stealing her classmates' bento to satisfy her daily meals. daydreaming on her prince chiaki [the male lead]. and prince chiaki was pissed off by her stupidity and untidiness. but at the same time amazed by the way she played her piano [which she seems to be transformed into another person]. my fave part of this drama was listening to the classical throughout the 11 episodes. though similar pieces were played, i never got tired of listening. highly recomended. there's also 2 more specials after t...
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okay.. my NDP post is finally up. hahahaha.. the photos turned out to be soso.. so dun expect too much.. whahaha before the NDP starts.. we realised that no matter how ugly we looked, the photo still turned out to be very nice. perhaps due to the background. and it started to rain. put on the o-biang raincoat the NDP starts.. contingent marching in .. performance by the Black Knights.. one of the performances which i looked forward to besides the fireworks. the heart shape. but very faint.. lanterns on the water. rest of the performances... end note: it was my 1st time watching NDP Live. i thought that i would feel excited but it turned out to be otherwise. perhaps the rain dampened my mood. somehow it feels good singing the national anthem & reciting the pledge again after 7 years. the 2 segments i loved most was the performances by the black knights & fireworks. din took much photos of the fireworks cos my memory card was full (i was still worrying that the battery would gon...
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i know its a little too late to blog abt beijing olympics but i'm still going to do it =P before the actual games started, there were so much news on China. be it the sichuan earthquake or the issues on tibet.. it was not easy for China to handle. but, i hv to admit that i'm also a racist. i hate the idea why olympics 2008 had to be awarded to China.. i used to hear stories on how bad China was. as i had never been to China, i thought this would only happened in those rural areas. but it was proven when one my colleagues returned from Beijing. and that time, it left only 3 months to the olympics. those stories i heard were true. it made me even despised (such a strong word) China even more. however, the opening ceremony had somehow touched me a little. i guessed every chinese would feel this way. it was a pity that my grandparents weren't around anymore. i knew if they were watching at that moment, they would be proud. but the good feeling did not last long until there we...
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きぅのは日本語の試験難しいですね! [ytd jap test was difficult!] low moral. dun think the result will meet my expectations T.T okie.. its time to post my birthday pics, which i tink is abit too late cos its already aug. お誕生日 おめでどう [happy birthday] got the the baker to wrote this for me on this 1st cake. but realise he wrote the お wrongly. bro said that the cake reminded him of the 80s.. bakerzin cake - new york cheesecake from hjp. and its damn good! the 3rd one was from awfully choco. i was comtemplating if i should get this for my bbq celebration. but in the end i recieved it from a friend. and i did not tell anyone my intention. it was indeed a surprise. and awefully choco cake is also accompanied by hagan daz choco fondue *drool* the 4th one was with my colleagues but din manage to take a photo of it. was a choco cake full of choco flakes from prima deli. also nice! sneak pics of the bbq. . . bbq~ing . . . . my fatty miu miu =x helping themselves with the food as the host was too busy =P some of...