
Back again

There were thoughts to shut down this space of mine but did not bear to do it since it contained memories since my teenage years.  It was until recently that i find my emotions have been unstable and there wasn't a proper channel to let it out and sometimes at the verge of snapping (several times). Then, the thought of blogging came to my mind. Perhaps, it will help me to unleash (some of) my unhappiness. Fast forward to where i left 3 years ago. Married with 2 kids (1 came last year). It was also the turning point which i thought "i can handle anything and everything" but turns out to be i'm not as strong as i thought to be. I got myself so frustrated with situations (with kids or myself). Many times i ask myself why i allow myself to land into such shitty situations. I hope i can snap out of such situations soon. 
Be sure to do what you should, for then you will enjoy personal satisfaction of having done your work well, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are responsible for our own conduct. Galatians 6:4-5
Found myself in love with my bosch oven aft the 1st success attempt of blueberry muffins o(^^o) (o^^)o I can't help but to start browsing for more recipes on the net (^O^) *need to bake more in order to maximise the ROI of the oven. Having tried the lazy way on making skinny pizza (using the gardenia wrap as base), I decided to ditch pizza ordering unless i find them special. It taste exactly the ones in average resturants. Did Salami & tomato/shitake mushroom favour. Shall tried the japanese potato pizza soon as well. Pics of the pizzas as below. Hoping to tried baked rice soon when i hv the time.

Blueberry muffins!

Another attempt of baking. This time round is blueberry muffins! Fatty miu & ppx loves it very much. Got the recipe frm noobcook. Shall do it again some time soon :)

Banana cake

Life as a mrs wasnt easy to adapt. New expectations. Small things can make one crazy esp when im quite particular in the certain wats if doing things. It took me 3 montha to settle the differences. Entering the 4th month and still adjusting... Anyhow, finally i found some time last wk to bake. Its time to fully utilise my bosch oven since i made a decision having a built-in over the off the shelf. 1St cake i bake was none other than my fave banana cake. Easy to grasp & fast. Surf several websites and found this recipe. Slightly diff frm the usual i bake. No butter being used. Here's the result! The moist version. i quite like it cos no buttery taste overpowering the banana. flip side is cake is a little dense. Will do it again

House Reno updates

the love nest of ours is almost complete. went down to see the final product last sun. very satisfied with the walk-in wardrobe & the quiet corner. here are the pics which was still WIP... Flowers on the bookshelves. the similar could be found on the TV feature wall.     door knots for the bookshevles    walk-in wardrobe passage way seperated by glass door    wardrobe take 1     wardrobe take 2. hidden mirror in the wardrobe for vain me.     and the best is storage behind the mirror. thanks to my ID's idea.     hanging lamp at quiet corner. HJP choice.       frames on the wall     though, i couldn't make out the colours (mild colour-blind). i super lurve the colour contrast. one of my fave corners :)     TV feature wall     guess what this is for??? ans on the next pic.     ...

Wedding Preps update

it's going to be less than a month before the big day. however, i feel no excitement at all! instead i'm getting pissed at small little things. :( pimples have been popping up every now & then. but still able to keep under control. BUT, i'm damn tired! ! one of my church acquaintance once told me that the bride will get "pek chek" at small little details. and now i fully understand what she meant. which bride doesn't want her wedding to be perfect? every bride plans her wedding to perfection and there's of course there's always some limitation to everything. unless you're very rich. (只要是钱能解决的,就不是问题). hahahaha... till date.. most things have been settled. invites have been gradually sent out. done with mum & fatty miu dresses except fatty miu matching shoes. briefed the Jie Mei's on the AD itinerary. gate crashing games are set and instruction from me: 不需要手下留情. you can say i'm the worse wife of all.. tsk tsk tsk.. apart from ...
   i miss u